
This is intended as screencast for how I released drpfeature 0.0.1 in github.

  1. Basic navigation to get relevant documents open in browser
  2. tc55 Got to DRP verision planning project in the DRP-repo
  3. tc208 Show drpfeature-NextRelease and talk through workflow
  4. tc314 Examine Issue request #1 ToDo Document in drpfeature-docs-feature-login
  5. tc433 Decide to request CI test as Issue-2
  6. tc923 Find PLEASE VERIFY Issues and run a verification.
  7. tc946 Find an issue with the @Pending feature tags… so add Issue-3
  8. tc1130 Find another issue with Session so create Issue-4
  9. tc1644 FINALLY Start the Relase of 0.0.1
  10. tc1957 WOOPS forgot to push local commits BEFORE I hit release so I documented that in the Release 0.0.1 Comments