
Help to set ssh keys into machine via drp-provision as presented in the drp-set-sshkey-video (youtube).
Install a demo machine locally that can be accessed via ssh key (no password) as required by ansible.

Manual Steps

  1. Assuming a drpfeature-test-network with drpfeature-test-vbox running the drpfeature-test-drpe setup.

  2. Obtain or generate file ( see CentOS-Generate-ssh-key-pair )

  3. Open RackN-Portal Profiles -> global
    1. Edit Profiles -> global
      1. Add PARAMETERS: access-keys

        "user": "ssh-rsa CAFE123 user@machine"
      2. Change string to add of user “drpops

        { “drpops”: “ssh-rsa AAAABblahblahblah..9n31 drpops@drpe.drpfeature.test” }

      3. Add PARAMETERS: access-ssh-root-mode

      4. Add string “without-password”

    2. Click “Save” of Profiles -> global Edit view.

  4. The machines using the global profile grant ssh to the ssh requests.

Video Track

  1. tc16 Show RackN-Portal endpoint Profiles
    1. tc16 Show Profiles
    2. tc30 Show ssh login fail
    3. tc46 Show key we want to add
  2. tc60 Open RackN-Portal endpoint Profiles -> global
    1. tc60 Show default Profiles -> global
    2. tc70 Show example ce-root-access Profiles -> ce-root-access
    3. tc80 Edit Profiles -> global
      1. tc86 Add PARAMETERS access-keys
        { “user”: “ssh-rsa CAFE123 user@machine” }
      2. tc95 BUT Change string to add of user “drpops
        { “user”: “ssh-rsa AAAABblahblahblah..9n31 drpops@drpe.drpfeature.test” }
      3. tc122 Add PARAMETERS: access-ssh-root-mode
      4. tc129 Add string “without-password”
    4. tc130 Click “Save” of Profiles -> global Edit view.
  3. tc156 Reboot machine to test.
  4. tc170 Show RackN-Portal endpoint Templates
  5. tc175 Show RackN-Portal endpoint Boot Enviroments
  6. tc294 Show ssh login success


Setup for testing drp endpoint

drpfeature-test setup uses the drpfeature-test-network and drpfeature-test-vbox running on a drpfeature-test-macosx with drp-provision running on the drpfeature-test-drpe endpoint for pxe boot of Proliant Blade servers in drpfeature-test-hpeC7000 configuration which then are assessable via drpfeature-test-drpe-ansible and can use drpfeature-test-drpe-ansible-blender to install a blender render grid worker node.

Endpoint Menu System of a RackN-Portal

  1. System
    1. Overview
    2. Machines
    3. Bulk Actions
    4. Plugins
    5. Info & Preferences
  2. Networking
    1. Subnets
    2. Leases
    3. Reservations
  3. Provision
    1. Boot Enviroments
    2. Templates
    3. Params
    4. Profiles
  4. Control
    1. Workflow
    2. Stages
    3. Tasks
    4. Jobs
  5. Syncronize & Upload
    1. Content Packages
    2. Boot ISOs
    3. Plugin Providers
    4. Suport Files
  6. Endpoint Admin
    1. Users
    2. Logs
    3. Logout