
This is the drpfeature-test vbox setup for testing drp-provision.
vbox setup for PXE boot nodes on an isolated network so broadcast messages are easy to monitor.

STATUS: FAIL to boot a VM in Virtual VBOX

Manual Steps - VirtualBox Install

  1. Setup network configuration using drpfeature-test-network
  2. Install VirtualBox on drpfeature-test-macosx
  3. Start VirtualBox
  4. Configure PXE Bare Metal Node bm1
    1. New -> Name: bm1 - Type: Linux - OS: RedHat 64-bit
    2. Memory -> 1024 MB
    3. HD -> 8 GB
    4. CPU -> 2
    5. Network -> Attached to: Bridged Adaptor - Name: en0: Ethernet - Promiscuous Mode: Allow All
    6. System -> Boot Order: Network at TOP
  5. Attempt to start the VM so VirtualBox attempts to create the network connetion
  6. Shutdown bm1 when it fails
  7. Shutdown VirtualBox
  8. Reboot drpfeature-test-macosx (required for some reason for pxe dhcp to work through VirtualBox on drpfeature-test-macosx setup.

Manual Steps - drpe.drpfeature.test Install

  1. Start VirtualBox

  2. Configure drpe.drpfeature.test
    1. New -> Name: drpe - Type: Linux - OS: RedHat 64-bit
    2. Memory -> 1024 MB
    3. HD -> 8 GB
    4. CPU -> 2
    5. Network -> Attached to: Bridged Adaptor - Name: en0: Ethernet - Promiscuous Mode: Allow All
      1. NOTE: MAC Address: 080027F10BD9
      2. Help on VirtualBoxBridgedNetwork
    6. System -> Boot Order: Floppy -> Optical -> Hard Disk
    7. Storage -> CD -> CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1708.isolated
      1. Get the iso CentOS7-Everything-iso
  3. Boot and Install
    1. Language: English - English (United States) <Continue>
      1. Host name: drpe.feature.test <Apply>
      2. Ethernet (enp0s3) <Configure>
        1. General:
          1. Automatically connect to this network Checked
          2. All users may connect to this network Checked
        2. Ethernet:
          1. Device: enp03s (should be default)
          2. MTU: automatic
          3. Wake on LAN: default
          4. Link negotiation: ignore
        3. IPv4 Settings:
          1. Method: Manual
          2. Addresses:
            1. Address:
            2. Netmask: 24
            3. Gateway:
          3. DNS serveres:,
          4. Search domains: drpfeature.test
          5. Require IPv4 addressing: Checked
        4. IPv6 Settings:
          1. Method: Ignore
        5. CLICK SAVE
      3. CLICK Done
    3. DateTime: Americas/Chicago <Done> (do NETWORK config first to pickup NTP servers)
      1. Infrastructure servere
      2. Security Tools
      3. CLICK Done
      2. CLICK Done
    6. KDUMP
      1. UnCheck Enable KDUMP (to disable)
      2. CLICK Done
      1. CLICK OFF - Apply security policy:
      2. CLICK Done
      1. good4ops$
      2. CLICK Done
      1. Full Name: drops
      2. User name: drops
      3. Check Make this user administrator
      4. Check Require password to use this account
      5. good4installs#
      6. CLICK Done
  4. INSTALL SSH on drpe.drpfeature.test
    1. login as root
    2. yum install openssh openssh-server openssh-clients openssl-libs
    3. cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.orig
    4. systemctl restart sshd.service
  5. TEST ssh access to drpe.drpfeature.test static IP:
    1. catmini:drpfeature msops$ ssh drpops@
  6. INSTALL drp-provision isolated via drp-quick-install (modified)
    1. ssh drpops@
    2. mkdir drpisolated
    3. cd drpisolated
    4. curl -fsSL get.rebar.digital/stable | bash -s – install –force –isolated
  7. START drp-provision see drp-provision-ServerArchitecture for information
    1. ssh drpops@ (I want it running in it’s own term so I can see stdout)
    2. cd drpisolated
    3. sudo ./dr-provision –static-ip= –base-root=/home/drpops/drpisolated/drp-data –local-content=”” –default-content=”“
  8. TEST drpe
    1. Browse to the RackN-Portal see drp-install-running-the-server for help
    2. Confirm RackN-Portal (should be getting a login with defaults
    3. Login with defaults
      1. username: rocketskates
      2. password: r0cketsk8ts
    4. Confirm RackN-Portal endpoint
  9. Load iso images
    1. ssh drpops@
    2. cd drpisolated
    3. ./drpcli bootenvs uploadiso sledgehammer
    4. ./drpcli bootenvs uploadiso centos-7-install
  10. TEST iso
    1. In RackN-Portal you should see green check on ISO
    2. Browse to Boot ISOs you should see the iso’s you loaded above.
  11. CREATE clone image drpe-CLONE-fresh-no-subnet
    1. STOP drp-provision
    2. sudo shutdown now
    3. VirtualBox
      1. Wait till drpe stops
      2. Right-click drpe -> Clone ( name: drpe-CLONE-fresh-no-subnet )
    4. On host (macosx) /Users/msops/VirtualBoxVMs/
      1. Right-click drpe-CLONE-fresh-nosubnet (5.28GB) and Compress (zip down to 4GB)
    5. Wait for compress to finish… this is a good point to save while debugging network configs
  12. Create a subnet via drpcli see drp-install-subnet for help
    1. Start drpe VM and drp-provision
      1. Start drpe virtualbox vm
      2. ssh drpops@ (I want it running in it’s own term so I can see stdout)
      3. cd drpisolated
      4. sudo ./dr-provision –static-ip= –base-root=/home/drpops/drpisolated/drp-data –local-content=”” –default-content=”“
    2. Stop firewalld
      1. ssh drpops@
      2. [drpops@drpe drpisolated]$ sudo systemctl stop firewalld
    3. Create a new subnet for iPXE
      1. ssh drpops@ (I want it running in it’s own term so I can see stdout)

      2. cd drpisolated

      3. vi drpfeature-subnet-config.json

        "Name": "drpfeature-test-subnet",
        "Subnet": "",
        "ActiveStart": "",
        "ActiveEnd": "",
        "NextServer": "",
        "ActiveLeaseTime": 60,
        "Available": true,
        "Enabled": true,
        "Proxy": false,
        "ReadOnly": false,
        "ReservedLeaseTime": 7200,
        "Strategy": "MAC",
        "Validated": true,
        "OnlyReservations": false,
        "Pickers": [ "hint", "nextFree", "mostExpired" ],
        "Options": [
            { "Code": 1, "Value": "", "Description": "Netmask" },
            { "Code": 3, "Value": "", "Description": "Default Gateway" },
            { "Code": 6, "Value": "", "Description": "DNS Servers" },
            { "Code": 15, "Value": "drpfeature.test", "Description": "Domain Name" },
            { "Code": 28, "Value": "", "Description": "Broadcast Address" },
            { "Code": 67, "Value": "lpxelinux.0", "Description": "Boot file name" }
      4. ./drpcli subnets create - < drpfeature-subnet-config.json

      5. Create subnet via drpcli done

    4. Verify subnet drpfeature-test-subnet
      1. ./drpcli subnets list
      2. Should return drpfeature-subnet-config.json string
    5. Create subnet Verify check complete

  13. Verify drpfeature-test-subnet
    1. In RackN-Portal you should see green check on Subnets
    2. Browse to Subnets you should see the subnet you configured above.
  14. Create a machine to iPXE boot see drp-install-machine for help
    1. Set BootEnvs:

      [drpops@drpe drpisolated]$ ./drpcli prefs set unknownBootEnv discovery defaultBootEnv sledgehammer defaultStage discover
    2. Verify BootEnvs browse to Info & Preferences and see above in System Preferences

    3. Setup PXE Boot on a vm (see above bm1)
      1. Start bm1
      2. bm1 should boot into discover then sledgehammer
      3. Verify bm1 discovery browse Machines
      4. Login to bm1 console: root - rebar1 to verify sledgehammer is on bm1
      5. xxx-tbd-xxx
    4. Obtain you machine ID:

      [drpops@drpe drpisolated]$ ./drpcli machines list | jq '.[].Uuid'
    5. Set the BootEnv to centos-7-install replace <UUID> with your machines ID from the above command:

      [drpops@drpe drpisolated]$ ./drpcli machines bootenv "4678729e-5147-43f6-a569-93b7668b8a40" centos-7-install
    6. Reboot bm1 - it should now kick off a BootEnv install as you specified above.

    7. Verify bm1 access:

      TODO - Put the bm1 access std out from above
  15. Cleanup
    1. Install jq:

      [drpops@drpe drpisolated]$ sudo yum install jq
    2. Turn off firewalld:

      [drpops@drpe drpisolated]$ sudo systemctl stop firewalld
    3. DISABLE firewalld:

      [drpops@drpe drpisolated]$ sudo systemctl disable firewalld
      Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/firewalld.service.
      Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.service.
      [drpops@drpe drpisolated]$
  16. CREATE clone image drpe-CLONE-drpfeature-test-network
    1. STOP drp-provision
    2. sudo shutdown now
    3. VirtualBox
      1. Wait till drpe stops
      2. Right-click drpe -> Clone ( name: drpe-CLONE-drpfeature-test-network )
    4. On host (macosx) /Users/msops/VirtualBoxVMs/
      1. Right-click drpe-CLONE-drpfeature-test-network (5.28GB) and Compress (zip down to 4GB)
    5. Wait for compress to finish… this is a good point to save while debugging network configs
  17. I THINK THIS IS Done… nope ks still stuck

  18. Debugging vm loading

uuid - b47e9a44-e78b-468b-a756-cbc59356f340


# DigitalRebar Provision Centos-7 (and related distros) kickstart

url --url
# Add support for our local proxy.
repo --name="CentOS"  --baseurl=  --cost=100
# key --skip
# Disable geolocation for language and timezone
# Currently broken by https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1111717
# geoloc 0
timezone --utc UTC
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
# rebar
rootpw --iscrypted $6$drprocksdrprocks$upAIK9ynEEdFmaxJ5j0QRvwmIu2ruJa1A1XB7GZjrnYYXXyNr4qF9FttxMda2j.cmh.TSiLgn4B/7z0iSHkDC1
firewall --disabled
authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5
selinux --disabled

bootloader --location=mbr  --append="rhgb quiet"

clearpart --all
part /boot --fstype ext4 --size=512
part /boot/efi --fstype vfat --size=512
part swap --recommended
part pv.6 --size=1 --grow
volgroup dac-16-2d-af-e0-20 --pesize=32768 pv.6
logvol / --fstype ext4 --name=lv_root --vgname=dac-16-2d-af-e0-20 --size=1 --grow --maxsize=10240



exec > /root/post-install.log 2>&1
set -x
export PS4='${BASH_SOURCE}@${LINENO}(${FUNCNAME[0]}): '

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Make sure we have a drpcli somewhere
if [[ ! -e /usr/local/bin/drpcli ]] ; then
(mkdir -p /usr/local/bin; cd /usr/local/bin; curl -s -f -L -o drpcli "$ProvURL/files/drpcli.amd64.linux"; chmod 755 drpcli)

# Get a Machine token that we can use for drpcli actions
export RS_TOKEN="7mTWEkHls60dBJmk3vdB6sfxp_rRlf03DAm-VufI70L-_gyV2sj7vZLNc0sM81SGVLy40IVIpLg25jkw4WSmSG2li36zlPsERMSWfqYosf_zkqkZB1ey-e2doFqlJYaPkbB30T9T62P7hiHTbwXlatqDAN4b4IrgUPov001G5UwyLCguDtbVPfHu2XtcP047Oepi5DV_vWIojboEpyfNvjtQaONEtbnVFJTgv0KGBJeHHUlrFYuXj2Uurs1tseQ6CXFoqdEDWlR1tqPjcHrgvd0gVmndG8ir8yTjN6nZq-qKQfT1HkFJtpnpE9BmfHH4OOY3V_CjZH9pcr9wgrlzx1h2DjYIwO-bsgTRD3Eg5ovRYEq_miCBbzGrMDd-hEmOFXhiKHtt5cLP0ojUdt9fRABwo28Mg3rwxhwMq5Jp3E4a4sUDAIsCO4-T1ziI_r3UNk_xwYfSoCaxcYZrB3luB3HKByExvESnQGbxyG01fZuxPVttGxgmA8Ytd8ugE4c-Lgvw4jPge-4E13nLnUDE3jCaCER1DTdlwAng0ew4649P3MO3PtlJcVVMfYJVhQHPr1kt811rfudgpxPh7xXZLplAT721pO5kjZZQPF9E0KUjgoIKmzUfOVlujEbeRVm8KG2ih1yEmbH864aLTQXEmii8sHEwnk6UeNwyS9Rxd3yOIdp-Pzljd28Oh4JT-Nkdo3tQ_ng7SrBiXbdzSo9aBxqGu3TtGGHTmShsdeX5xdxXqtQ8b9KV7MI5-OUOeHMwE3E7Faa4vQW_TknzOir9WYsib9my-UXV1X7Cm_lGWgSevT_TUXzCb-UniE5VyEG3pffwWn0nXEHno3pvILvJIfcypS0upZ_0XwitpH-3og_eRiBIS7U6cQfb6hEjJJe58CXSFbkIeORde1eREy43Jj8Vchga7eh_we9Tr4_3jw7y4IQ8gOVxlPW47sCWs_Jsl-Qel5tj2Cain2nUmetk-58KTiZP9RYwJT5j_b6m0ViB5PCPIm4oZEu64EG4KXeqo8_b8jjFwrPnmIdXTdJBgcZ-YYvO78dssc998tYlddCRG18VUFqlISDd66ds-x6G3wDL4vdlcM1crYTBkVvwEO_UPLue79ltCZtQRJEEprPGpHTev_bcQcwn8_r5FxrzZJktNInommgqFjux1-_2FJg9n8wJeDYP3FgGFeQ7LUYsjWtvTJlpGx0ueQ0Mk6Hcb4tjMJ-kbRJmXORrNyIPTLhEULy5bB2u6x8-FEHeaxTGBGlR_-R4yqN8Yd7otjRJB0cYo-Lkgk-QHj7w3VsZ4F_b2Ncxxc4nzhwWTictnkXi416s2ZaUAVp4H6ZKrYojG-iKj5ybw9gzhivU4V3uoduBr_5I5ZewndqC-Sg-3s7II7bGTMMsnnoo5gvIq57OGWr2mNxrc1hlcA3JR0_Rt-3Qfm44DGAyxdJj3Jm3vUaxlNWAMKxzY9dWTtJEw-x9CIVo3SRCaH5df6CCazN5Z4HH1GOdE8sc_QpQDUkUI59KggTdd5zXF4Go1cvTHtqpJ9WiakjJAp77iw_solePByIHCKyBVqNO5MkFd53iIpQsaHOdsvtH9UbZE2jBxGRPnpyQ-ubm4TKm8_Alhxk09Sgpz0eL3S0XyPoi3ob9fiAney39e3WC1vWhHtaY_hNRXhLQGb2s-CyxguQGtQQag8HmCNw0v_zUOQyjxR10kKy_tkbRdIBtnT1dJqRnWX9JohiA7Bo9aqeEPIEcFFk9bOcFSqlEMweKbXx00BBFrgl1A9SsT2z8DEWKkTNuf4NP5cm_6FrOEHBJwpBxBsABU4-_BlIzvi-6W_74ytlbxt5_9_bkhozdMuncHBvdE5NDz0vMDZqN2puuMVx_LuFPWQilP1_U-ybBNwKd1p5Jko-fZxbA5pc5wVv-1whgPWG8GBsOGKVPQea98H0h1Xs56w7nH93dzd41tFdrLS77n5KJ_74oW1d3y4ZSkNwmwT_4nN4WMnHixCNkR3glguCVco_nk_HgYNgQJoFKQJtPOzd0bLDpstB_ZEkGZj9NfTxPKT0XIu7xlRNAU-8eT8HKGyEQOh5YWdxPrdDCTzAlWqUM3tGJfJF6JNd9f8cJi8bD7yt9lUDAomIo0RkkkJoq_fA6avjBqBEfLg_9x1wSdTvsnvf3yuRBifcRrbcNCvzrsijvSunOlZ9TeCXcHD5wYqFgXv3KDHIUcNU01Z4E0axhIrs-SNX-0sFwBN-alE42Fb9rgPDPPY97jOsklsCrWXRWnWcYtqUm2tgY6HazXAXj0hlAnA=="

# Get API endpoint
export RS_ENDPOINT=""

# One day Reset the workflow chain here as well

# Reset the current task list and mark the machine runnable.
/usr/local/bin/drpcli machines update "b47e9a44-e78b-468b-a756-cbc59356f340" '{ "Runnable": true, "CurrentTask": -1 }'

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Make sure we have a drpcli somewhere
(mkdir -p /usr/local/bin; cd /usr/local/bin; curl -s -f -L -o drpcli "$ProvURL/files/drpcli.amd64.linux"; chmod 755 drpcli)

# Get a Machine token that we can use for drpcli actions
export RS_TOKEN="ULDmy6uvRUptudoAO2tsWAU8vaREqnLDn_kXbn9VfP_7-MCEvp5MQrqCyO0SIpeh8fG8AFHlqj1LdkItOESrzf-M_uDrZzkeK5MbjSicd4bbyt0as6G9Eiz85wBC1e8m1I9kbG2JM6yCKVWw_FQtXtpzAS1WdzMgyUuo-gkl-lwnRIxMCJfOfwGggkuRS08-bc3WlYr_Iue0q0VUyKAOlq-gprYmYb1cWyZp2TF4AFvdj9sSVonVjTAhy0FbZxsr0J64splTzg7b75bGemDs4IQ0xYa-vMwCN7fr6URVf9gdcsJjZ0NFfo8GajL9qh55vKMtDj8dAS7Nleb8XVBgQ4RbLL9SYTJhDrYDM9kr5aXle_d5Wd1NFkcoTKJlX65KrxZDVyyQTq5AsUMxC5JAq8FMQjjQsiIXJukuLUh19WgG_vtW3-2rzet2PTVKoWCAyRpFvqOt6ClUT5Ro2_qtap_ny85wccSza0px_2_Zz3vAI1g2NRjUF2j7F37Ksal9TAiL9vP5Z02_LEbGDBR-z2F6-AKYxNT3wQZ3rTpHAwyjJLTyTd4fxY7rRiJbXgbZNXPA6i8QOWAAT-oMzirao40gHqb6494uiP8jd3OgGV0rNcbM8MWy38gh3prJFjcOuwC4dov2codPl-ZKHz-Wi7qcG3Hhle2QPWYSn2PxLLSZPJhLzYybmOybTuFdMLv4PRFupzA2gAvMsDov_IF1D3GsESNSEaQ3BKRVjqPavAKzPA1Lcp0OEy0PDG9aM_DLsUOSFVXfp728q3ehGmPei3sIeXxDDkFA9v5hZjhASLSSYMqPdCI-DKoeyeI0w5kG68mkIwAcXpIj9NsbrvLfGkOb3eRI-QdP-CfaNz9sxdF5gn43zLkiQaKU2tpcqLLOXX6PIcIDGYW1dYqZK76vtu_70U5hjaml4IEcF96enMqQ80aBgOOembmAMnNooNokl1Mc-o5_VGqn9N_YBcgYQSapdjgV3-vxVWTkyrDrfED7qL-JeUF6nqMouAfkJAGKL2rwVBUkRvAiDbhc18QOua6ROkLoZLgLsq4UKqjIiuNwKsy_ZiBYUH5G1p8QsbiOdsu9RZm9m8CydACBM7f_Q66tj1MhNKocM3BCO4DEwGyeYhkb_7PlzCX4xoLrlMFZXBpSPelXYVEMjpjx3ioGuZE4Z5RQ2izj-E2TbBef1eIqEpGo4mBFFkVcn3k6938LLyda9vrjopS4ozpCgkTwcYJjIpZMel6kCLz3nUNivcrKjrHrMP0z8HO1jNeLl2jM0_c63AXVCu96eH6pTo50IEOMf2Z43izxSIX0S05GrjG_j9k4EuWnzOCx0GO5OZ6qGTrBaXWfZ-oXyyZKXY3AURe-s5hBmFn69eZYSgIy6pmPJqg0hnR9Rn7-4jBqDTvjha5WFZRWvoxOdT4Ct0aI5P0oOWZEzUx0WuX-N5eNkTs1k_UqfeMtW_UnjAmQzX7zZIzZlRkKesSCveJ5Ne1-UKAZmVfAia-g36JGkF28yVFL8HW1K473z5bRiibcIuXS_kys275dtUg9dl4bl9eO16zp-WY8wTgx2xUhIVPMigV2v3kvylp-w7HyuKZ_nvtn6a-Rqgs06tnsH7SZimM9POu785KDC_Jkx8m9Vud5HeRwSkEwuzWf8XyjCCNcwtGaukRye9dMVkTLIHK9aPwp7U_riXz7bi_oSEBtvjEobwUwAQHxjKo72MII2yZPG_rrGZNOWfNOLgxdVmkWjYozvzNgwAlhv7sPgECjugqPCMLH60U6dda38v9SRUf7cRNkK5sFWhd476w_lQ0A5I2XkEbqBWzCOJki0QrDMibI4gd14XxGpkEElv_F-BhaDCHL7QlXyh0a6FbfQGn56mT6ZSUKvg0PP5tLJR2M-MemLvj2G0mDEgkxVzEPlmBPZ8O6Rr7UgOdBy1QB7ezxS7N3cRAHbdsHYm5v2WmJXsNXiQ6DTTJFCjoemLL_udOzimfMUFxJQFehde3UaBc_wBL3c1wPwBhqQwep78mBN6CYtWDUw1FeEJNrglf2nOKTkja-BXXvqij-Lo0RrS5V9ZBitByobY3IofxFGDKtMWm80jXT5qqyeX779u2WmHBO3xTau3pK3rBQzjD-sBkA_rtMvcDvuZj6Vd5Bz1u4vkSm7mbzN1iQgLVC5me_heI5n5Ux2Lpkai2Mh-HAI4Q9HKs23DuCxCIuQhyTOTqFKk-Xpr_URD-wIZJDmOXOG3gMeT1cfESR-i16BaSMP4UKo2d7jP42qpljyxA8rlO-qhxAbzMBqA9Ofw=="

# Get API endpoint
export RS_ENDPOINT=""

# Create a temp workspace
temp_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
cd "$temp_dir"

/usr/local/bin/drpcli machines processjobs "b47e9a44-e78b-468b-a756-cbc59356f340"

rm -rf "$temp_dir"


Setup for testing drp endpoint

drpfeature-test setup uses the drpfeature-test-network and drpfeature-test-vbox running on a drpfeature-test-macosx with drp-provision running on the drpfeature-test-drpe endpoint for pxe boot of Proliant Blade servers in drpfeature-test-hpeC7000 configuration which then are assessable via drpfeature-test-drpe-ansible and can use drpfeature-test-drpe-ansible-blender to install a blender render grid worker node.