
Add ansible to drpfeature-test-drpe setup for testing drp-provision endpoint used in drpfeature-test setup handoff to ansible-playbook.
RackN-Portal setup that uses inventory.py dynamic inventory to successfully run ansible all -i inventory.py -m ping

Manual Steps

  1. Assuming a drpfeature-test-network with drpfeature-test-vbox running the drpfeature-test-drpe setup.

  2. Assuming the drp3-Clone-post4machineHPEpxeboot vm configuration.

  3. Start drpe vm ( see drpfeature-test-drpe )

  4. ssh drpops@ ( good4installs# )
    1. sudo yum update

    2. sudo yum install ansible

    3. sudo yum install python-pip

    4. sudo yum install jq

    5. sudo pip install –upgrade pip

    6. sudo pip install requests

    7. Check ansible:

      [drpops@drpe ~]$ ansible --version
        config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
        configured module search path = [u'/home/drpops/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
        ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible
        executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
        python version = 2.7.5 (default, Aug  4 2017, 00:39:18) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)]
      [drpops@drpe ~]$
    8. Start drp-provision on drpe:

      [drpops@drpe ~]$ cd drpisolated/
      [drpops@drpe drpisolated]$ sudo ./dr-provision --static-ip= --base-root=/home/drpops/drpisolated/drp-data --local-content="" --default-content=""
  5. Open RackN-Portal Content Packages We need to load something ansible to test
    1. Click “Browse For More Content”
    2. Find kubespray and click the + icon to add this content to endpoint
    3. View your drpfeature-test-drpe Endpoint (hamburger -> Endpoint..)
    4. Click Content Packages again you should see kubespray
    5. Verify kubespray is in your endpoint, if not “Transfer” it so that it displays in the Endpoint Content column
  6. Navigate to Profiles
    1. The following locked Profiles should have been added
      1. etcd
      2. k8s-cluster
      3. k8s-deploy
      4. kube-master
      5. kube-node
    2. Clone the k8s-deploy Profile in Profiles
    3. Rename and Edit the Profile for mycluster
    4. Save (Click Add button) and Verify Profile mycluster in Profiles
    5. In Profiles click Ansible button (on top)
    6. Select the mycluster Profile for Ansible Inventory Grid
      1. Select the server nodes you want in mycluster
      2. add etcd and kube master to a machine
      3. add kube node to others
  7. Fire up four bare metal machines on drpfeature-test-hpeC7000
    1. Browse to drpfeature-test-hpeC7000
    2. Login with drpops ( good4installs# )
    3. Should see 4 blades (or how ever many are in at the time)
    4. Click the blade image and it takes you to the blade View
    5. Click Boot Options (confirm it is booting from local disk)
    6. Click Virtual Devices (to control power / boot)
  8. Reference the drp-kubespray-document and follow the commands step 24.1.4
    1. ssh drpops@ ( good4installs# )
    2. SKIP THIS - Git Clone kubespray-github (SKIP… we are just testing the inventory.py file)
    3. Create directory mkdir testansible and cd testansible
    4. Pull in inventory.py from drp-inventory.py-source-file (rob shows link)
    5. Make executable chmod +x inventory.py
    6. Verify local environment endpoint is set.
    7. Look at what endpoint we are pointed to ./drpcli info get
    8. Set endpoint export RS_ENDPOINT=
    9. Set profile export RS_PROFILE=mycluster
    10. Test ./inventory.py | jq command
    11. Test Ansible via ping ansible all -i inventory.py -m ping

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Setup for testing drp endpoint

drpfeature-test setup uses the drpfeature-test-network and drpfeature-test-vbox running on a drpfeature-test-macosx with drp-provision running on the drpfeature-test-drpe endpoint for pxe boot of Proliant Blade servers in drpfeature-test-hpeC7000 configuration which then are assessable via drpfeature-test-drpe-ansible and can use drpfeature-test-drpe-ansible-blender to install a blender render grid worker node.