
This is the drpfeature-test-drpe setup for the drp-provision endpoint used in drpfeature-test setup.
RackN-Portal setup to PXE boot nodes on an isolated network so broadcast messages are easy to monitor.

Manual Steps

  1. Assuming a drpfeature-test-network with drpfeature-test-vbox running the drpfeature-test-drpe setup.
  2. Open RackN-Portal Content Packages

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Setup for testing drp endpoint

drpfeature-test setup uses the drpfeature-test-network and drpfeature-test-vbox running on a drpfeature-test-macosx with drp-provision running on the drpfeature-test-drpe endpoint for pxe boot of Proliant Blade servers in drpfeature-test-hpeC7000 configuration which then are assessable via drpfeature-test-drpe-ansible and can use drpfeature-test-drpe-ansible-blender to install a blender render grid worker node.